Pregnancy and Breast Feeding
Becoming a mum is a beautiful experience, but it can also be overwhelming. Sleepless nights, busy schedules and stress can take a toll on a mum's skin. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to acne, pigmentation, and stretch marks. Additionally, breastfeeding can cause dryness and irritation.
Therefore, it's essential for mums to have a skincare routine that suits their skin type and caters to their needs. A simple routine involving cleansing, moisturising, and sun protection can help keep skin healthy and radiant.
However, it's imperative to use skincare products that are safe for nursing mothers and not harmful to babies.
We do not test our products on pregnant women, but there are well known ingredients that should be avoided during this time. The main 3 are:
Hydroquinone - Salicylic Acid - Retinol (Vit A)